Gillian Moses Independent Celebrant offering unique, joyful, bespoke Symbolic Rituals during ceremonies


Because you want to be truly present during your Ceremony, I love to awaken the senses as a way of grounding us all in the moment.  I use an earth chime before we begin any of the Symbolic Rituals you might like to include. It helps us all gently focus on the beautiful ritual that is about to begin.  

The Unity Candle Ceremony

As humans we are drawn to the light that burns in a naked flame.  It captures our attention and connects us to our ancestors.

The Unity Candle ritual involves the lighting of three candles.  Two taper candles, representing the individual lives of the couple are lit.  This can be done by extended family members and is a beautiful way of including loved ones in the Ceremony.  The couple comes together then, using the taper candles to light the pillar candle.  Two flames become one as a symbolic representation of the couple’s union.

You are not limited to only two taper candles; extended family members or children can light additional candles at the beginning and then gradually the flame is passed along the line of taper candles through the generations.  A gorgeous way to honour the ancestry of both families, culminating in the lighting of one flame of unity.

Two Flames become One

You Want to tie the knot

Hand-tying is a ancient custom that we can enjoy today in our modern wedding ceremonies.  Couples choose colourful ribbons or use strips of fabric from family heirlooms or a simple cord.  Family members and loved ones can be included in the Ceremony as they lay ribbons over the couples joined hands, offering their blessing to the union.  It is also a beautiful way to include a loved one who is no longer living as a ribbon or cord is laid on the hands in their memory. 

You offer each other your hand willingly and it is a representation of the support you give to one another in your relationship.  After your hands are freed from the Hand-tie, because love is a gift of free will, not a bind, your tie will be the physical keepsake and a visual reminder of this celebration of love.

Because all couples are unique, the way you choose to tie your knot is up to you.  We can talk about that as part of planning your Ceremony.

Many couples like the simplicity of making their own Hand-tying cord and for others there is the option of ordering from an artisan crafter who can create a bespoke cord for your special day.  

Just Google – bespoke handfasting and that will get you started or get creative and make your own.

Celebrant roll-up banner inside gazebo, doorway draped with hand-ties for festival ceremonies

The Hand-Tying Ritual

Your love is as inseparable as the grains of sand

I love the simplicity and visual impact of the Sand Ceremony.  I was raised near the coast and have always loved the feel of sand on my feet and the taste of salt on my lips.  I think I love the Sand Ceremony because it brings me back to the carefree days of summer holidays as a child.

A Sand Ceremony can be included in a Wedding or Naming Ceremony.  It symbolises so beautifully the inseparable union of you as a couple and/or family as grains of sand are poured together from small individual vessels into one large vessel.  You personalise this Ceremony by choosing colours for the sand that hold meaning to you.  We can talk about that as part of planning your Ceremony.  The wording I craft for the Sand Ceremony tells your guests why this Ceremony holds meaning for you.

It can be a powerful ritual to perform for a newly blended family or for a child adopted into a family.   

It is a beautiful Ceremony and one I love to perform.

Google sand ceremony kits to get started.

layers of coloured sand in glass vessel after the Sand Ceremony<br />

The Sand Ceremony

Have something else in mind?

Any ritual can be created around symbolic elements that hold meaning to you.  Many of the rituals are visual, so I have collaborated with a local herbalist to create a unique Scent Ceremony.  No better way to bring something back to mind than to stimulate the olfacotry sense!

Let your imagination be your guide!

What Happens Next

Let's Chat

I like to keep things simple.  You can just give me a buzz or, if you prefer, head over to the contact page to get in touch. And if you send an email – remember to check your spam folder for the reply.  Then before you book we can talk over email, on the phone, or by video link/call – whatever works best for you. 

Date in the Diary

If you decide to go ahead I send you an online booking form, including a request for a deposit (50% of your fee) to secure your date, and a contract so we have an agreement in writing. I will secure the date for you in my diary and then our work together will start.  Exciting times!

Make a Plan

At this stage it’s all about us getting to know each other and for me to understand what is really important for your Ceremony.  I do this in two ways – if distance isn’t a barrier we can meet face-to-face.  Otherwise it works well to meet on a video call.  I also send you a detailed online questionnaire that helps me get all the information I need to create a bespoke Ceremony that meets your expectations.

Creating the sparkle

My favourite part of the planning stage – the opportunity to translate into words your unique story, complete with readings and any rituals you would like to include.  I aim to have this ready for you at least one month before your Ceremony day – and I will be in regular contact with you to ensure every detail is included so that the day is everything you are hoping for.

On the day

I will arrive at the venue in good time to make sure everything is set up for the Ceremony.  Then of course, it will be my privilege and pleasure to deliver the bespoke Ceremony for you, your family and guests.  

After the event

Following the Ceremony I will forward a copy of your Ceremony along with any certificates requested as mementos of the occasion.